Original Research

Restorying for transdisciplinarity: A proposed teaching-learning strategy in a context of Human Rights Education

Janet Jarvis
The Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa | Vol 14, No 2 | a483 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/td.v14i2.483 | © 2018 Janet Jarvis | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 06 October 2017 | Published: 28 June 2018

About the author(s)

Janet Jarvis, School of Education, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa


Human Rights Education can provide a context for transdisciplinary boundary talk as a possible way to create cohesion among the multiple disciplines embedded within the Social Sciences. This article presents a teaching-learning strategy, Empathetic-Reflective-Dialogical Restorying, which can be employed to facilitate such boundary talk. Both self-dialogue and self-narrative are used to create open space stories. This provides a platform for restorying as Social Science postgraduate students at a South African higher education institution engage in the space between, across and beyond academic disciplines. Conversation centres on the human right to gender equality as informed by the individual’s substantial and situational identities. The teaching-learning strategy introducing as it does, communities in conversation, communities in dialogue and communities for transformation, can be used to create possible cohesion among both academics and students in the Social Sciences. It also has the potential to be transformative beyond the Social Sciences and indeed, society at large.


empathetic-reflective-dialogical restorying; communities in conversation; communities in dialogue; communities for transformation; human rights education; transdisciplinary boundary talk


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Crossref Citations

1. Empathetic-Reflective-Dialogical Restorying for decolonisation: an emancipatory teaching-learning strategy for Religion Education
Janet Jarvis
British Journal of Religious Education  vol: 43  issue: 1  first page: 68  year: 2021  
doi: 10.1080/01416200.2020.1831439